Friday, December 19, 2008

COMMENTARY A Gorean Free Woman’s Views

By Videtta Kiranov, Reporter for the Tyros Times

It has been a few weeks since I started the paper with Trenton Childs.  And it has been an insightful and interesting experience.  Many citizens have seen me moving around town in my robes of concealment along with Lady Trisha Ireton.  We glide through the city covered from head to toe in our thick robes hidden from sight.

In a city that is known for allowing free women to go unveiled if they chose why would we choose full robes of concealment.  We can go back to a very practical reason. Our beauty is our own.  We conceal it for our safety.  Why would a raider kidnapped us when it is unknown what our physical features are when they can kidnap a beautiful kajira whose charms are open and out there for anyone to see.

I remember to my first week here when Lady Heather had been kidnapped injured severely and left for dead on the docks.  Would this have happened if she had been covered in our shapeless robes her hair bound up under her heavy veils that even shaded her eyes.  If she had maintained the stoic discipline that is known to free women.  It is a question to ponder.

Do we as Gorean’s want to put the cities most precious treasure’s, their free women of high caste in such jeopardy that they are easily targeted?  Is the simple light veil that most free women wear enough to keep them safe, or just enough for custom?  How would the streets of Gor look with free women clad in their caste colors covered from head to toe moving around stately and mysterious? Think about these questions as we strive to make Gor more Gor and watch the challenges that those fully concealed enjoy and the ease with which we can keep our secrets.

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